Posts By Category
- Donation based yoga class in Portland growing!
- Stretch
- My Path with Yoga
- A good description of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
- Amazing Yogic Art
- Ben, Evan, and the Gurus of Ashtanga Yoga
- Traveling to India
- I'm going to India to practice yoga
- I added a Review Section to my site!
- The Four Traveler's Skills: Navigation, Monetary Exchange, Linguistics & Itinerary
- Advice on handling solo traveling lonelyness
- Excellent & Easy Single Cups of Coffee
- The ladder of success
- Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
- Great new folksy rock
- Definition of "Sonder"
- Why I love Yerba Mate and its Benefits
- Exploring the Parisian Catacombs
- Environmental Neglect in Thailand
- A Week of Rafting the Salmon River
- I'm traveling around the World for 6 months. While Working.
- My Path with Yoga
- I'm moving to Portland
- I went 52 mph on a Snowboard
- How to Prepare Yerba Maté
- Amazing Yogic Art
- Getting into Mysore and the Ashtanga Yoga Shala Lessons
- Ben, Evan, and the Gurus of Ashtanga Yoga
- Delhi Driving
- Traveling to India
- Interviewed by AP for India trip
- India Trip Trials: The USPS Lost my Passport
- I'm going to India to practice yoga
- Photographer Follows His Girlfriend Around The World
- My Thai Sunset Photo got Featured!
- Seeing the Himalayan Range
- India Trip: Bylakupee: Namdroling Monastery
- I made a tool for opening a Google Map where the photo was taken
- I made an Alfred Workflow for Text and Code Snippets
- I put together some of my utilities in a new site section!
- Alfred Workflow for Brett Terpstra's `doing` CLI
- New Note about Fav Alfred Workflows
- Finding out the time on the East and West Coast with Alfred
- Getting Dropbox Direct Links via Shared Links with Alfred
- Creating a Featured Posts Lists Limited in Count in Jekyll
- I'm now at Phase 2 as a Drupal Developer!
- Double Border Button with Negative Border Radius
- Great article on work/life balance for high stress jobs and prioritizing family
- Great Sublime Text plugin for better file browsing
- Fantastical 2 for iPhone on sale
- A Website I Worked On Won a Responsive Web Design Award!
- Archive your Starred RSS articles to searchable, link-clickable PDFs on your Dropbox
- Grunt for People Who Think Things Like Grunt are Weird and Hard
- Facebook Patents Inferring Income of Users
- Convert TextExpander Snippets to iOS/OS X Text Shortcuts
- Quick Conversions for Travelers with Launch Center Pro and Soulver
- A Look Under the Hood of My Jekyll Site
- Porting My Site to Jekyll and Sharing Knowledge with Public Notes over Blog Posts
- Mac Window Management using Moom or Divvy
- An example of SASS's superiority over LESS CSS
- "UK Passes 'Instagram Act', making so-called 'orphaned' content posted on social media sites public domain."
- Super Slick Static Site Builder: Mixture
- Improving my custom home row arrow keys and adding my Mac "Hyper" key
- Wanting PDF Annotation & Bookmarking in Evernote or Dropbox iOS Apps
- Kicking off the "My Sublime Text Setup" page
- Kicking off the "My Awesome Mac Setup" page
- Brett Terpstra's Global OS X Keyboard Shortcuts, downloadable
- I'm presenting Sublime Text & Emmet to the Front End Drupal group in Portland
- A favorite news app of mine comes to the Mac: Hourly News
- Truth
- Great read from a worker turned owner
- 4.0
- The best Mac app for editing Markdown releases 2.0
- Better management of IE & Media Query CSS Styles using LESS CSS
- Setting up arrow keys on your home row
- I love technology
- 10 Fundamentals of being a Front End Web Developer
- Learning Front End Web Development
- How I use Facebook Lists
- Forms of Communication
- Thoughts on Facebook and Other Mediums of Communication
- 2nd Foursquare First Friday
- How to get an iPhone in Montana (before Verizon came)
- iPad Thoughts
- First Foursquare First Friday
- Why Foursquare is Important to Businesses
- Productive Wallpapers
- Kick Ass Mac Applications
- Good iPhone Apps