Good iPhone Apps

I have a few friends who are transcending up to the utopian world of iPhone owners, ready to leave behind the frustrating user interfaces of cell phones of old and ready to never be bored in a line again. So, of course, they'd like to know what to put on there. I figured if I was going to type it all out once, I may as well put it up here so it can get reused. All links below will open iTunes.

Evernote - Screw the default Notes app. I know it syncs now, but the features of Evernote make it a solid notch above. Tags, multiple notebooks, audio clips, location tagged notes, OCR, and I love having a separate application on my desktop. Make sure to install it along with the Web Clipper for your browser for the full effect. Free.

Pandora Radio - This is what makes the smaller hard drive size of the iPhone not a problem when compared to the bigger iPod Classics. Free.

WeatherBug Elite - SO much better than the standard Weather app. Rain/snow maps, hourly forecast, wind, alerts and more. $0.99

New York Times - Having an iPhone has completely transformed how I consume news. NYTimes not only has great writing, but the app is made well and works well with the crappy, slow EDGE connection we have here with the iPhone in Montana. Free. The USA Today app is great too. Free. If you use Google Reader frequently, Byline integrates with it well. $4.99

Beejive IM with Push - The best instant messaging application. Receive chats like you receive texts. Integrates with multiple accounts (I've got Google Talk & Facebook chat on there). $9.99

Wiki Mobile - World's knowledge at your fingertips. This formats the big W in a really nice way and more importantly: let's you save articles for offline viewing. $1.99. If you don't want to pay or don't want offline article check out the free Wikipanion.

Dictionary! - A dictionary. Works without internet. Free.

Flight Control - Land planes. Avoid catastrophe. Really fun game. $0.99

Fieldrunners - A frickin' great, very addicting game where you put up guns and missiles to stop wave after wave of determined dudes. $2.99

Sally's Spa - Am I about to go from recommending a game that involves guns to one that involves a spa? Guess so. Sounds lame, but it's really fun. A time management game where you are frantically moving from customer to customer to get them through your spa. Really fun. $0.99

Facebook - Get your social crack here. Free

Tweetie - Great Twitter app that makes it all so much better. $2.99. Check out Twitterific if you don't want to pay.

Amazon Kindle eBook reader - I love reading on this thing. I always seem to be able to squeeze in the time to read for 5 minutes when I have it on my phone and that adds up. You can read in the sun, it saves bookmarks, and you can download the first chapter for free to see you if you like it. Read more. It's great. Free

iXpenseIt - Financial management. Budgets. Spending tracking. $4.99

Urbanspoon - Restaurant reviews and suggestions. Free

Wurdle - Boggle clone. Great 2 minute killer. $1.99

Remote - Control iTunes like you're from the future. Free

MyPhone+ - Sync pictures from your Faacebook friends to your contact lists. Way easier than getting a picture set up for each friend. $2.99

Air Sharing - Easy, powerful way to view files of any type on the go. $4.99

All Recipes - Dinner spinner where you can set a couple requirements (price, main ingredient) and it comes up with a list of recipes. Free.