India Trip Trials: The USPS Lost my Passport

I had to send my actual passport in with my Visa application for India and the United States Postal Service lost it. Why didn't I get certified mail, you ask? I did! Tracking number and signature guarantee upon arrival were a part of this service. After it had been 10 days with this informative website you see a screenshot of, I decided to call into a real person, surely they can get the wheels turning and find out what happened to my passport. Once I got a hold of someone, I was told they would look into it and they would get back to me the moment someone found anything. So, I waited. I got a hold of them later that week and she told me that no one was answering the phone down at the Embarcadero Post Office and since I didn't call her she thought I got it all worked out. What? They aren't answering the phone? Yep. That's what became the final answer to this fiasco. After 20 days missing that's all they ended up telling me was that no body at the post office was answering the phone. Isn't the Post Office a government agency? This seems ridiculous to me. I have lost all faith in the USPS. Fed Ex and UPS for me from now one. So I've rush ordered a new passport complete with a RFID chip. That's the thing that pisses me off the most out of everything. Even more than having to pay $135 for there mess up (not to mention the payment for the rush delivery down and back to San Francisco because I still have to get my Visa in time). My old passport was aqcuired June 2006, months before the US started putting RFID chips in their passports. Not that being tracked by Big Brother bothers me, but the fact that identities can be easily faked because the security the US government choose sucks really bad.