Have a client or a non-developer prep a bunch of content collaboritavely in Google Docs, then turn each row into a different page on a Jekyll Site easily.
I was able to take this script that turned a CSV file into a series of YAML files which did most of the work here (thanks!). I modified it a bit to create Markdown files with YAML front matter, perfect for Jekyll pages (or posts).
You can prep content in a spreadsheet by using this format:
- Afterwords, export the spreadsheet as a CSV and name it
. - Download the script
here. - Put the two files in the same directory, then run
python csv_to_yaml.py
This project is up on my GitHub page for anybody curious.
There isn't currently a way to have the body (content) exported this way, it was originally made to get a bunch of meta-data onto a ton of files, which they'd add content to later. I could see it being done, so if you need that specifically, hit me up and I'll see if I can put it together.